2024-25 School Supply Lists
School Supply Lists by Grade
6th Grade Supplies List
These supplies are for the Mtn. Lion and Bobcat core classes. Elective classes and PE may ask for additional supplies.
Electronic Device - tablet, Chromebook, or laptop
Earphones (Earbuds will not be allowed)
SGMS student planner (purchased online at Check-in)
24 #2 pencils or Mechanical Pencils
Pencil case or box
Highlighters- Various Colors
1 Mead graph-ruled composition notebook
3 Mead composition notebooks - wide ruled
5 plastic, 2-pocket folders with 3 prong fasteners
1 green
1 red
1 blue
1 yellow
1 purple
*1 pkg of graph paper
*1 pkg colored pencils
*1 pkg of thin markers
*1 pkg of colored sharpie markers
*1 pkg of black sharpie markers
*2 Expo dry erase markers (black or colored)
*Glue sticks
*Last Name A - M: Clorox wipes
*Last Name N - Z: Box of Baggies (Quart)
*3 Boxes of Kleenex
*These supplies will be collected for team use.
Resource Students Only
Mead composition notebooks - wide ruled
7th Grade - Lynx
Tech Device and Accessories
(Brought to school every day. Please make sure student’s first and last name are labeled on every tech device)
- Personal Electronic Device - tablet, Chromebook, or laptop
- Charger to keep in backpack
- One pair of personal headphones that connect to your device
Classroom Supplies
24 #2 pencils or mechanical pencils
1 pkg of markers (basic colors)
1 pkg (3) colored highlighters
1 pkg dry erase markers (Expo preferred )
4 glue sticks
1 black permanent marker (Sharpie preferred)
(1) 100+ page pack of loose leaf lined paper, college ruled
5 Mead (or similar) composition notebooks–wide or narrow rule (no spiral notebooks for Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health)
5 plastic, 2-pocket folders (Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math, Health)
1 hand-held calculator (just a basic calculator. NOT scientific)
3 boxes of tissue
3 tubs Clorox Wipes
Student Planners (REQUIRED)
Lynx students may choose how they would like to keep track of assignments, goals, and deadlines.
Purchase planner of choice, purchase SGMS planner available through Express Check-in, or use a digital planner
7th Grade - Panther
Tech Devices
Personal laptop/Chromebook/tablet - BRING EVERY DAY!
Charger for device - BRING EVERY DAY!
Personal pair of Headphones/Earbuds
Classroom Supplies
5 PLASTIC folders (2 pocket) (science, social studies, math, LA, health)
1 3-Subject spiral notebook, wide or college ruled (for science)
2 Composition notebooks (for language arts)
2 Composition notebooks, graphing if possible (for math)
1 1-Subject notebook 100 page (for health)
1 Pair of scissors
1 Package of Colored Pencils
1 Package Dry Erase Markers (For use in math and science)
24 pencils (mechanical preferred - NO PENS!!)
1 Package Highlighters (5 colors)
1 Calculator (just basic, NOT scientific/graphic)
Pod Supplies
1 Pack Loose-Leaf Notebook Paper
3 Glue Sticks
1 Tub Disinfectant Wipes
1 Box Tissue
8th Grade
1-1 Tech Device and Accessories (Brought to school every day)
- Personal Electronic Device - tablet, Chromebook, or laptop
Charger for your device
One pair of personal headphones that connect to your device (wired)
Individual Supplies
5 Folders w/Pockets and Brads to Hold Paper
3 Composition notebooks (Math, Science, and Health)
1 subject wire bound notebook (ELA - Cougar only)
1 package of mechanical pencils
1 package of blue or black pens
1 package of highlighters (various colors)
1 package of colored pencils
1 pair of scissors
2 glue sticks
1 ruler
1 package of Loose Leaf College Ruled paper
1 Calculator
Recommended TI 30 calculator for Math 8 students
Recommended TI 84 calculator for Algebra and Geometry students
AVID Student Supplies additionally needed:
- Binder
4"+ sturdy 3 ring binder Example
4” D ring zipper binder Example -
8+ heavy duty pocket dividers Example
SGMS student planner (purchase online at Express Check-In)
1 package of multi-color pens
Composition notebook for AVID
1 pencil pouch Example
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Do NOT get the pocket folders from the above list
THESE SUPPLIES ARE CLASS SPECIFIC AND ONLY NEED TO BE PURCHASED IF YOU HAVE A PARTICULAR CLASS LISTED ON YOUR SCHEDULE. Unless otherwise indicated, please bring the supplies listed on the first day of class to your elective(s).
1 - Large eraser (Not a pencil topper)
1 - Pack of number two pencils (No mechanical pencils please)
1 - Black sharpie fine point
1 - Ruler
Headphones to be used occasionally in class
Charged computer or tablet to be used occasionally in class
Art Course-Specific Needs
In addition to the materials above…
Art: Paint and Draw
- 1 - 9” x 12” Sketchbook (Please write your name, class period, and teacher on the inside of the cover. No lined paper notebooks please).
- 1 - Set of paint brushes (Example)
Art: Sculptures
- 1 - 2-Pocket Folder (Please write your name, class period, and teacher on the cover).
- 1 - Packet of hot glue sticks (any size)
Please drop off the following supplies in the Art Supplies Bin in the Main Office
Only if you are registered for AVID class with Mrs. Ranford and Ms. McGowan
STURDY 3-5” binder Example
4” D ring zipper binder Example or a more sturdy one (more expensive but less likely to break!) -
8 heavy duty pocket dividers Example
Pencil pouch Example
Student Planner
Composition notebook or spiral notebook for AVID ONLY
Optional Snap pocket folder to put composition notebooks into binder. Example
1 package of multi colored highlighters
7 habits of Highly Effective Teens- 8th Grade only
Pencils to be used daily in class
Access to a microphone and camera on their device
Plastic folder with pockets
Pencils to be used daily in class
Access to a microphone and camera on their device
If a tablet is the student device, please download the SightReading Factory app prior to the first day of school
Composition notebook
Plastic folder
Spanish and Exploring World Cultures
Charged Electronic Device - tablet, Chromebook, or laptop
Pencil(s) every day
ROCIO ALONSO Spanish 1A – 3 inch binder and notebook Pencil(s) every day
SPARKS Spanish 1B & 2 – Both a notebook and a binder (2-inch minimum)
Rocio Alonso (3-inch binder ), Sparks, Kirkland--Exploring World Cultures: One folder or 3-ring binder
Consumer & Family Studies
Lined paper
Charged computer each day!
All Drama Classes
- Sturdy folder or ½” binder (or section in multi-class binder)
Pencils to be used in class regularly
Headphones to be used occasionally in class
Charged computer or tablet to be used in class regularly
Drama Course-Specific Needs
In addition to the materials above...
Exploring Drama
A mask (requirements and examples)
Drama B
At least two (2) ⅛”-¼” paint brushes (not makeup brushes) - example: bit.ly/brushesfordb
Makeup wipes
Facial moisturizer
Makeup wedges
Colored pencils (black, brown, tan, peach, yellow, white, red, purple, dark blue at minimum)
A Ziploc bag or makeup bag to store your supplies
Any additional items for your final makeup (an original design), such as eyelashes, sparkles, blood, horns, flowers, wounds, etc.
If you would like to purchase your own Stage Makeup kit instead of using the classroom makeup supplies, here are two options:
Ben Nye Theatrical Creme Full Kit ($68) - I purchased this kit for my Stage Makeup course in college and still have pieces of it to use when I perform; can complete all in-class makeups with this kit
Ben Nye Personal/Student Mini Kit ($22) - has a few pieces (foundation, powder, puff, makeup brush, brown liner, and a 4-part color); can complete the Basic Contour with this kit, will need to use classroom makeup supplies for elements of the other makeups
Options for Purchasing Personal Devices
Laptop, Chromebook, or Tablet required for school daily. (Kindle Fire tablets are strongly discouraged)
Chromebooks: GovConnection (DCSD partnership)*
*3 year accidental damage warranty on Chromebooks
Apple: Education Store*
*Students save on Mac's and iPad's (choose "Shop for College" link for education prices)
Microsoft: Education Store*
*Students and parents save 10%